Penggunaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pemanas Gas Luar
Pemanas gas luar telah menjadi agak biasa berkat fakta bahawa mereka meningkatkan masa penghunian lokasi luar walaupun pada musim sejuk. Sama ada anda ingin menetapkan mood intim semasa duduk di teres atau mengecas semula teres terbuka yang besar, memahami cara menggunakan dan menjaga pemanas jenis ini tetap menjadi keutamaan bagi semua yang ingin mendapatkan yang terbaik daripadanya. Berikut ialah panduan untuk membantu anda memanfaatkan sepenuhnya Perkakas Luoqi andapemanas gas luar.
Keselamatan dan kebimbangan yang berkaitan
It’s advised that you read the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer before using an outdoor gas heater. There should be no combustible materials surrounding the heater and more importantly it must also be on a flat sturdy surface so that it doesn’t tip over.
Ekzos yang mencukupi
Since outdoor gas heaters are primarily made for the outdoors, they should not be surrounded by gas. However, sufficient exhaust facilities should still be employed. Do not block exhaust gas from escaping by utilizing heaters too close to windows or doors.
Pelarasan pemanasan yang betul
Our Luoqi Appliance outdoor gas heaters are very powerful, it is essential to bear in mind the weather condition and also the area you will need to heat in regard to the power of the heater. Our Luoqi Appliance outdoor gas heaters feature adjustable types designed in different settings to embody different amounts of heat projected and comfort desired.
Panduan penyelenggaraan
Pembersihan berkala
Maintenance is important for heaters in any environment as dusts and foreign particles may affect the performance of the heater over time. Every now and then open air heaters should also be cleaned and the heater’s burner ports checked for blockage. A gentle cloth or brush can be used to clean the dirt without scratching the parts.
Periksa sambungan gas
It’s also important to pay attention to the gas supply connection points with the heater. Such as the examine quick connects for instance and the rest for any damage. Any loose connection should be tightened. Hoses and/or fittings that have damage should be replaced.
Penyimpanan bermusim
With regard to this, it may be appropriate to hide the outdoor gas heater in the storeroom during those seasons when it is not used such as in summer when the weather is warm. Protect the central heating radiator therefore any damp or dust accumulation.
Perkhidmatan profesional
Sert your heater as early as possible and get it serviced professionally at least once during the year. Our Experts are well versed in abating concerns that would have been serious by earlier identifying opportunities for improvement to be pre- productive and cutting edge on the vantage of user convenience in using the heater tub.